Special Educational Needs

At Weeth Community Primary School we ensure that every child has the very best provision to enable them to make good progress in their learning.

Mrs Fazakerley-Owen is our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator and also coordinates the support for pupils with English as an additional language.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

At Weeth School we follow The Code of Practice for Special Education Needs. This means that, as a school, we have a responsibility to ensure that the appropriate provision is put in place to meet the needs of our children with special educational needs. Children with special educational needs may include those with physical disabilities, hearing or visual impairment, emotional and behavioural problems, language or specific learning problems.

If we feel your child has an additional need we will ask to meet with you to discuss our concerns and to make a plan for the future. Your child’s name will be placed on our record of need. Our SENDCO works closely with teaching staff, non-teaching staff and the learning mentor to ensure that specific programmes are put in place to support our pupils on the record of need. This may include the use of specialist software, 1:1 work with an adult or small group work,

When supporting the individual needs of our pupils we may need to seek advice from external, agencies. Amongst those we work with are: Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, Primary Mental Healthcare Workers (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service; CAMHS), Occupational Therapists, Play Therapists, Dyslexia Support Advisors, Autism Spectrum Team, Behaviour Support Service and the School Nursing Team.

We believe that clear communication between ourselves and families is a key element in our pupils achieving success. Our door is always open to talk to parents if they have concerns about their child’s development or well-being.

We have high aspirations for all our pupils, including those with additional needs; we strive to provide the best support we can in order that every child meet their full potential.
SEND Annual Report to Parents 2021-2022
SEND Annual Report to Parents 2020-2021
SEND Annual Report to Parents 2019-2020
SEND Annual report to Parents 2018-2019

English as an Additional Language

Weeth Community Primary School is committed to making appropriate provision for pupils for whom English is an Additional Language, both in terms of language-friendly teaching styles and through the allocation of additional resources where needed.

Weeth has high expectations of pupils who speak English as an Additional Language. We will identify individual pupil’s needs, recognise the skills they bring to school and ensure equality of access to the curriculum.

What we do to support our EAL pupils

  • We can organise interpreters for parents evenings if the parent or carer feels that this would be helpful.
  • We have a very positive relationship with our local EAL advisor who is always on hand to offer support and guidance.
  • We are developing links with local secondary schools whereby bilingual students visit Weeth to provide language support for some of our EAL pupils.
  • We have access to a wide range of resources from which we can draw upon to support our learners with EAL.
  • We provide regular training to all staff to ensure the best support is given.
SEND Local Offer
Weeth Accessibility Plan
SEN Policy Jan 2023