Breakfast Club

We run a Breakfast Club which is open to all Weeth children from 7.45 a.m. every weekday. We provide a range of healthy and wholesome breakfast foods in a well-supervised environment. This year children will also have access to ipads and laptops to support them in completing their weekly homework and further develop their ICT skills.

The children are able to have a good breakfast in the company of friends and play games once they have finished eating. The cost is £1.50 per day.

We hope that the service enables children to have a good start to the day and to help parents whose job begins early to leave their children in a safe and caring environment.

Healthy Tuck

Healthy snacks are on sale at very reasonable prices (30p an item) on the playground at break time. The Year 6 children help run the tuck boxes, take the money and provide the correct change.

Please note that as a Healthy School, only fruit or food purchased from the morning tuck shop, is permitted for morning break.