Design Technology

Designers who made a difference: Isambard Kingdom Brunel


At Weeth School, we acknowledge the importance of Design and Technology being taught discreetly and in detail. We are currently preparing children for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that have not been invented in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet! Through the teaching of Design and Technology we are preparing the children to participate in a rapidly changing world.
Through each unit we consider:
What – what are we doing?
Why – why are we doing it in this way?
How – how can we improve it?

Children acquire a broad range of subject knowledge including: mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. At Weeth, the units in this subject stimulate curious minds and ignite creativity and imagination. We are all born makers – in a sequence of lessons we can move what we are learning to our heads, through our hearts to our hands. Practical work is of the essence.

Weeth School values social and emotional learning. Competencies such as teamwork, collaboration and communication are essential attributes when designing, making and evaluating products. After all, the best ideas start as conversations.

We ensure that all of our units are well resourced and that every pupil has the opportunity to access this subject.


Our delivery of Design and Technology follows the National Curriculum and we use our Crofty small steps to ensure progressive and sequential coverage.

The teaching of Design and Technology is timetabled flexibly dependent on the task and outcome. When a DT unit is being taught, this may be done in blocks of time to facilitate the stage of the process.

In EYFS and KS1 the units of food, structures, mechanisms and textiles are covered with the addition of mechanical structures and electrical systems in KS2.

● Clear and appropriate cross curricular links are made to underpin learning in multi areas across the curriculum giving the children opportunities to learn life skills and apply skills to ‘hands on’ situations in a purposeful context.

● Delivery clearly follows the design process where each project follows: investigate, design, make and evaluate through a focused task. Tasks are selected and designed to provide appropriate challenge to all learners, in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion.

We also consider the Three S’s which define DT: Something for, Somebody for and Some purpose.

Design Technology Overview

  Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1
FS2 Explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings.


Self Portraits

Leaf Man Pictures

Return to and build on their previous learning, refining ideas and developing their ability to represent them.


Emergency vehicles

Return to and build on their previous learning, refining ideas and developing their ability to represent them.


Building homes for different animals and themselves


Explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings.


Experiment with colour to paint Spring time pictures.

Explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings.


Create Collaboratively, sharing ideas, resources and skills.


Use a variety of materials to draw/paint different plants and animals.

Year 1 Food

Fruit Bowl

Creating a fruit salad.

Links with science ‘Animals Including Humans’ (senses)


Lighthouse Keepers

Build a Lighthouse. Links with ‘Cornish Coasts’

Year 2 Food

Packed with Goodness

Design a healthy packed lunch.

Links with science ‘Animals Including Humans’.


Fire! Fire!

Design and create a fire engine.

Links with ‘Great Fire of London’

Year 3 Textiles

Stone Age Tunics

Make a tabard-style Stone Age tunic for a teddy.

Links to ‘Stone Age to Iron Age’


Bird Houses

Design and make a bird house

Links with ‘Temperate Rainforests and Rainforests’

Year 4 Food

A Taste of Rome  Design and make a modern day version of the Roman Spelt Bread.

Links to ‘The Rotten Romans’

Electrical Systems 

Light It Up

Design and make a battery operated light (torch)

Links to science – ‘Electricity’


Pop Up Books (Levers and Linkages)

Create a page or pages for a story book, using a linkage to join two or more pivoted levers to create a moving mechanism.

Links to ‘The Amazon’

Year 5  



‘Souper’ Tasty

Make a seasonal vegetable soup.

Links with ‘Anglo Saxons’


Standing Tall

Design earthquake-proof buildings.

Links with ‘Shake and Quake’

Electrical Systems

Moon Buggies

Motorised Moon Buggies.

Links with science ‘Earth and Space’

Year 6 Food

Global Foods

Choose a culture (from SeaBean) to research, design and make a dish, celebrating their culture.

Links with ‘The Power of Our Community’


Reusable Shopping Bags

Design and make reusable shopping bags.

Links with ‘The Power of Our Community’

Mechanical Systems

Fairground Rides

Design and make a fairground ride using a purposeful mechanical system.

Links with ‘Newlyn: Fishing and Tourism.