
Mathematicians who made a difference: Albert Einstein, Alan Turning, Marjorie Lee Brown


At Weeth School, we intend to provide a mathematics curriculum which caters for the needs of all children to give them the necessary core skills and knowledge to be successful in the future. We believe mathematics equips children with a set of powerful skills to understand and interpret themselves, each other, the world around us and how it works. These skills include identifying problems, logical reasoning, solving problems, working systematically and logically, having the ability to think in abstract ways and having the ability to reflect and evaluate. Not only is mathematics vital for everyday life, it is integral to all aspects of life. Therefore, to prepare our children for the wider world, our mathematics curriculum encompasses some of the core competencies at the heart of social and emotional learning. With this in mind, Weeth endeavours to ensure that children develop a positive and enthusiastic mindset towards mathematics that will stay with them for life.

Through our maths teaching, we strive for all of our children to become fluent in the key concepts underpinning number and to develop their mathematical reasoning by recognising relationships, making generalisations and proving their thinking using a range of appropriate mathematical vocabulary. This starts in our foundation stage where the emphasis is on being secure in number recognition laying firm foundations for future learning. In addition to this, we aim for the children to develop their self-confidence, motivate themselves, communicate effectively and to be resilient when faced with challenges.

Our expectation is that the majority of children will move through the small steps at broadly the same pace. However, decisions about when to progress should always be based on the security of their understanding and their readiness to progress to the next stage. Children who grasp concepts rapidly are offered rich and sophisticated problems through Next Step Nows which deepen their learning. The questions are designed to challenge the children to apply their learning in a range of contexts of increased complexity.  Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material should consolidate their understanding through ‘Catch Up’, providing them with bespoke, additional practise.

We ensure that all children have the opportunity to reason to encourage curiosity and pose questions.


We believe it is imperative that pupils move to the next stage of education not only with secure calculation strategies and number facts but that they also have a sound knowledge of the ‘the maths behind the maths’ – the ‘why.’

Throughout the school, our long term planning follows the National Curriculum. Consistency and continuity is ensured through the use of our Agreed Approach to Calculation Document which guides our children through the four operations from EYFS to Y6.

This approach:

  • ensures consistency and progression in our approach to written calculations.
  • makes teachers aware of the strategies that pupils are formally taught in each year group that will support them to preform mental and written calculations.
  • supports teachers in identifying appropriate pictorial representations and concrete materials.
  • ensures that children develop an efficient, reliable, formal written method of calculation for all operations.
  • ensures that children can use these methods accurately with confidence and understanding.

The policy details the strategies. Teachers then plan opportunities for the children to apply these; for example, when solving problems, or where possible, opportunities somewhere else in the curriculum.

The journey of maths at Weeth begins in EYFS using a blend of Mastering Number and Power Maths which fully complement each other. Daily small group maths sessions take place through continuous provision with an additional 15-minute whole class session focusing on fluency. These are taught to develop subitising, cardinality, ordinality, counting, composition and comparison.


In KS1 the daily 45-minute maths lesson is taught using the White Rose scheme of learning with an additional 20 minutes of Mastering Number also taught, building on knowledge and understanding learned in EYFS. The pictorial representations used in White Rose Maths enables the children to demonstrate their mathematical ability.

In KS2 the daily 60-minute maths lesson is taught using the Power Maths scheme of learning with White Rose Maths supplementing the scheme, with an additional 15-minutes spent on fluency. Times Table Rockstars is used to motivate children to improve their recall facts.  The real life contexts used in Power Maths are essential for the children in KS2 to apply their mathematical understanding within the wider world.

Teachers deliver the curriculum through small steps to ensure that lessons are sequential and build on prior learning. Formative assessment takes place throughout the lesson with immediate feedback given. Any misconceptions are promptly addressed either within the lesson, during individualised ‘Catch-Up’ sessions or if this is the majority, it becomes the focus of the next day’s lesson starter. If needed, more targeted interventions take place using Number Stacks. This pin points the specific gaps in the child’s understanding which are causing barriers to further progression.

We use manipulatives in all year groups as a useful tool to support children’s deep acquisition of concepts and representations in mathematics. We recognise the importance of moving the children from these manipulatives to more visual and written recordings at the earliest possible opportunity using the concrete, pictorial, abstract (CPA) approach so they can begin to independently internalise key mathematical ideas. Classroom displays are current to the block being taught and reinforce the CPA approach by including ‘Show it, draw it, explain it, prove it’ to prompt and assist learning. Stem sentences and key vocabulary are also displayed to facilitate reasoning.

Mathematics Overview

  Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
FS2 Number: Numbers to five

Number: Comparing groups within 5

Shape: 3D and 2D shapes



Number: Change within 5

Number: Number bonds within 5


Number: Numbers to 10

Number: Comparing numbers within 10

Number: Addition to 10

Measure: Length, height and weight



Number: Bonds to 10

Number: Subtraction

Shape: Exploring patterns


Number: Counting on and counting back

Number: Numbers to 20

Number: Numerical patterns

Shape: Composing and decomposing shapes

Measure: Volume and Capacity


Measure: Time

Year 1 Number: Place Value within 10

Number: Addition and Subtraction within 10

Geometry: Shape

Number: Place Value within 20



Number: Addition and Subtraction within 20

Number: Place Value within 50

Number: Place Value within 50

Measurement: Length and Height

Measurement: Weight and Volume





Number: Multiplication and Division

Number: Fractions

Geometry: Position and Direction

Number: Place Value within 100

Measurement: Time

Measurement: Money

Year 2 Number: Place Value numbers to 100

Number: Addition and Subtraction

Number: Addition and Subtraction

Measurement: Money

Number: Multiplication and Division

Number: Multiplication and Division

Statistics: Measurement: Length and Height

Geometry: Properties of Shape




Properties of Shape

Number: Fractions


Measurement: Position and Direction

Number: Efficient Methods

Measurement: Time

Measurement: Mass, Capacity and Temperature


Year 3 Number: Place Value within 1000

Number: Addition and Subtraction

Number: Addition and Subtraction

Number: Multiplication and Division

Number:  Multiplication and Division

Measurement: Money


Measurement: Length and Perimeter

Number: Fractions


Number: Fractions

Measurement: Time



Geometry: Properties of Shape

Measurement: Mass and Capacity






Year 4 Number: Place Value four-digit numbers

Number: Addition and Subtraction

Number: Addition and Subtraction

Measurement: Length and Perimeter

Number: Multiplication and Division

Number: Multiplication and Division

Measurement: Area

Number: Fractions

Number: Fractions

Number: Decimals


Number: Decimals

Measurement: Money

Measurement: Time


Geometry: Properties of Shape

Geometry: Position and Direction





Year 5 Number: Place value within 1,000,000

Number: Addition and subtraction

Statistics: Graphs and tables

Statistics: Graphs and Tables

Number: Multiplication and Division

Measurement: Perimeter and Area


Number: Multiplication and Division

Number: Fractions



Number: Decimals and Percentages



Number: Decimals

Geometry: Properties of shape


Geometry: Properties of shape

Geometry: Position and Direction

Measurement: Converting Units

Measurement: Volume


Year 6 Number: Place Value with 10,000,000

Number: Four Operations


Number: Fractions

Geometry: Position and Direction


Number: Decimals

Number: Percentages

Number: Algebra


Measurement: Converting Units

Measurement: Perimeter, Area and Volume

Number: Ratio




Geometry: Properties of Shape


Investigations and preparation for KS3